
姓 名 : 徐敬东

性 别 :

所属部门: 计算机科学与技术系


职 称 : 教授

学 历 : 博士

所学专业: 计算机应用


电子邮件: xujd@nankai.edu.cn

研究方向: 计算机网络、移动边缘计算、视频传输、软件定义网络、网络安全等


毕业于南开大学,获学士、硕士、博士学位。目前为南开大学计算机学院、网络安全学院教授、博士生导师,计算机网络与信息安全研究室负责人。计算机学会高级会员,ACM China SIGCOMM Chapter委员。主要研究方向包括:计算机网络、移动边缘计算、视频传输、软件定义网络、网络安全等。参加和主持了国家自然基金项目、天津市科技重大专项、天津市自然基金重点项目、博士点基金项目等20余项,近几年在IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)、Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)、IEEE Internet of Things Journal(IoTJ)、IEEE IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC)、China Communications、INFOCOM、ACM MM、IWQoS、ICC、GLOBECOM、WCNC等国内外高水平期刊和国际会议上发表论文60余篇,其中SCI一、二区论文10余篇,CCF A类论文12篇。在教学方面,多年来一直从事计算机网络的教学工作,目前主要承担本科生的“计算机网络(天津市级线下一流本科课程)”、“网络技术与应用(国家级线下一流本科课程)”课程、硕士生和博士生的“移动计算与无线网络”课程。培养硕士研究生60余名、博士研究生近20名。出版计算机网络相关教材11部,发表教学论文7篇,2009年获天津市教学成果一等奖,2015年被评为南开大学教学名师,2019年获全国高校计算机专业优秀教师,2022年获天津市教学成果特等奖2项。


  1. 超高清视频点播中基于纠删码的边缘云协同传输关键问题研究,国家自然基金,2022.1-2025.12
  2. 面向智慧城市的云-边-端计算智能操作系统关键技术研究,天津市科技重大专项,2018.10-2021.9
  3. 面向金融领域实时交易的区块链平台关键技术研究,天津市科技重大专项,2018.10-2021.9
  4. 移动边缘计算卸载服务中资源管理关键问题研究,国家自然基金,2018.1-2020.12
  5. 面向城市场景的车载自组织网络命名数据传输关键问题研究,国家自然基金,2018.1-2020.12
  6. 面向车载自组织网络的命名数据传输关键问题研究,天津市自然基金项目,2016.7-2019.3
  7. 面向多种类型大数据的实时检测与深度分析,天津市科技重大专项,2014.5-2017.5



  1. 全国高校计算机专业优秀教师
  2. 天津市教学成果特等奖2次、一等奖1次
  3. 南开大学大学教学成果一、二等奖多次
  4. 南开大学教学名师
  5. 国家留学基金委优秀教师
  6. 天津市科技进步二等奖2次


  1. Chengjin Zhou, Qiao Xiang, Lingjun Pu, Yuan Zhang, Xinjing Yuan, and Jingdong Xu. NetDPI: Efficient Deep Packet Inspection via Filtering-plus-Verification in Programmable 5G Data Plane for Multi-access Edge Computing. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). 2024. (CCF A)
  2. Jianxin Shi, Miao Zhang, Linfeng Shen, Jiangchuan Liu, Lingjun Pu, Jingdong Xu. Towards Neural Codec-Empowered 360° Video Streaming: A Saliency-aided Synergistic Approach. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM). 2024. (SCI一区)
  3. Jianxin Shi, Miao Zhang, Linfeng Shen, Jiangchuan Liu, Yuan Zhang, Lingjun Pu, Jingdong Xu. Towards Full-scene Volumetric Video Streaming via Spatially Layered Representation and NeRF Generation. ACM Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2024). April 10 2024, Bari, Italy. (CCF B)
  4. Pu, Lingjun; Shi, Jianxin; Yuan, Xinjing; Chen, Xu; Jiao, Lei; Zhang, Tian; Xu, Jingdong. EMS: Erasure-coded Multi-source Streaming for UHD Videos within Cloud Native 5G Networks,EEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). 2024.(CCF A
  5. YuanXinjing,Pulingjun, Jiao Lei, Wang Xiaofei, Yang Meijuan, Xu Jingdong. When Computing Power Network Meets Distributed Machine Learning: An Efficient Federated Split Learning Framework,IWQoS 2023.(CCF B)
  6. Lingjun Pu; Xiaohang Xu; Xinjing Yuan; Xu Chen; Pan Zhou; Jingdong Xu ; Cost-efficient and Skew-aware Data Scheduling for Incremental Learning in 5G Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications(JSAC). 2022.(SCI一区, CCF A
  7. Jianxing Shi,Pu Lingjun,Xu Jingdong. Sophon: Super-Resolution Enhanced 360° Video Streaming with Visual Saliency-aware Prefetch. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2022),October 10-14, 2022, Lisboa. (CCF A
  8. Xinjing Yuan, Lingjun Pu, Jianxin Shi, Qianyun Gong, Jingdong Xu. Muster: Multi-source Streaming for Tile-based 360° Videos within Cloud Native 5G Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). 2023. CCF A
  9. Jianfeng Zhang, Wensheng Zhang, and Jingdong Xu. StegEdge: Privacy Protection of Unknown Sensitive Attributes in Edge Intelligence via Deception. Journal of Computer Security. 2022. online.(CCF B)
  10. Jianfeng Zhang, Wensheng Zhang, and Jingdong Xu. Bandwidth-Efficient Multi-Task AI Inference with Dynamic Task Importance for the Internet of Things in Edge Computing. Computer Networks. 2022. online.(CCF B)
  11. Lingjun Pu, Xu Chen, Jingdong Xu, Xiaoming Fu. Content Retrieval At the Edge: A Social-Aware and Named Data Cooperative Framework. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC). 2019. (SCI二区)
  12. Wenping Yu, Jianzhong Zhang, Jingdong Xu, Yuwei Xu. An accurate indoor map matching algorithm based on activity detection and crowdsourced Wi-Fi. Science China Technological Sciences. 2019 (SCI二区)
  13. Lingjun Pu ; Xu Chen ; Guoqiang Mao ; Qinyi Xie ; Jingdong Xu. Chimera: An Energy-efficient and Deadline-aware Hybrid Edge Computing Framework for Vehicular Crowdsensing Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal(IoTJ). Volume 6, Issue 1, Page(s): 84-99, 2019. (SCI一区)
  14. Lingjun Pu; Lei Jiao; Xu Chen; Lin Wang; Qinyi Xie; Jingdong Xu. Online Resource Allocation, Content Placement and Request Routing for Cost-efficient Edge Caching in Cloud Radio Access Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC). Volume 36, Issue 8, Page(s):1751-1767, 2018. (SCI一区, CCF A)
  15. Lingjun Pu; Xu Chen; Jingdong Xu; Xiaoming Fu. Crowd Foraging: A QoS-oriented Self-organized Mobile Crowdsourcing Framework over Opportunistic Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC).Volume 35, Issue 4, Page(s):848-862, 2017. (SCI一区, CCF A)
  16. Lingjun Pu; Xu Chen; Jingdong Xu; Xiaoming Fu. D2D Fogging: An Energy-Efficient and Incentive-Aware Task Offloading Framework via Network-assisted D2D Collaboration. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC). Volume: 34, Issue: 12, Page(s): 3887- 3901, 2016. (SCI一区, CCF A)
  17. Liang He, Zhe Yang, Jianping Pan, Lin Cai, Jingdong Xu, Yu Gu. Evaluating Service Disciplines for On-Demand Mobile Data Collection in Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). 2014. ( CCF A)
  18. Liang He, Jianping Pan, Jingdong Xu. A Progressive Approach to Reducing Data Collection Latency in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). 2013. (CCF A)
  19. Liang He, Linghe Kong, Jun Tao, Jing-Dong Xu and Jianping Pan. On-Demand Mobile Data Collection in Cyber-Physical Systems. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. Accepted. (SCI
  20. Jianxin Shi,Lingjun Pu, Xu Jingdong. EC-360: Speeding Up 360◦ Video Streaming Using Tile-based Online Erasure Coding. Globecom 2021.
  21. Xinjing Yuan, Lingjun Pu, Xiaohang Xu, Yuwei Xu, Jingdong Xu. Streaming-Aware Cellular Resource Allocation for UHD Video Streaming over Ultra Dense Network. WCNC 2021. (Best paper Award)
  22. Mengyao Sun, Lingjun Pu, Jiangzhong Zhang, Jingdong Xu. Matryoshka: Joint Resource Scheduling for Cost-efficient MEC in NGFI-based C-RAN. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2019). May 20-24, 2019. Shanghai, China.
  23. Lingjun Pu, Xu Chen, Jingdong Xu, Xiaoming Fu. Crowdlet: Optimal Worker Recruitment for Self-Organized Mobile Crowdsourcing. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2016, CCF A).
  24. He Liang, Yang Zhe,Pan Jianping,Cai Lin,Xu Jingdong. Evaluating Service Disciplines for Mobile Elements in Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks. The 31st Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications((IEEE INFOCOM 2012, CCF A))
  25. Ahmadi, M., Liang He, Jianping Pan, Jingdong Xu, Maryam Ahmadi. A Partition-based Data Collection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Sink. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012)
  26. He Liang, Pan Jianping, Xu Jingdong. Analysis on Data Collection with Multiple Mobile Elements in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2011 IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2011) (Best Paper Award)
  27. 16. He Liang, Pan Jianping, Xu Jingdong. An On-Demand Data Collection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements. The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011)
  28. 于博文, 蒲凌君, 谢玉婷, 徐敬东, 张建忠. 移动边缘计算任务卸载和基站关联协同决策问题研究. 计算机研究与发展. Vol.55, No.3, Pages: 537-550, 2018.
  29. 王昌海, 张建忠, 徐敬东, 许昱玮. 基于HMM的动作识别结果可信度计算方法. 通信学报, Vol.37, No.5, Pages: 143-151, 2016.
  30. 林进挚, 吴英, 吴功宜, 徐敬东. 一种基于信息物理融合系统的紧耦合网络控制方法. 通信学报, Vol.36, No.2, Pages:126-136, 2015.


  1. 《计算机网络》(第四版),清华大学出版社,国家级规划教材,2021年
  2. 《计算机网络技术与应用》,清华大学出版社,高等学校计算机教材建设立项项目支持,2019年
  3. 《计算机网络技术与实验》,清华大学出版社,高等学校计算机教材建设立项项目支持,2016年。
  4. 《计算机网络实验指导书》》(第三版),清华大学出版社,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,2013年


  1. 网络技术与应用(首批国家级线下一流本科课程、天津市线下一流本科课程),本科
  2. 计算机网络(天津市线下一流本科课程),本科
  3. 移动计算与无线网络,硕士、博士